Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 15 - Delicious

or (as it was originally known - cute!!)
I understand the use of tags - we use Library thing tags in our opac as a readers advisory tool.
I do wonder how many patrons are aware of this though - perhaps a blog entry or web page item is needed.
However, although delicious tags had been added to our circ. desks browsers, I never used them.
I find Google is still the fastest way to locate required info, rather than trawling through random headings then hoping the links are (a) live and (b) useful.
Setting up delicious could be very time consuming too - akin to "tidying up" electronically.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 14 : Twitter

Twitter is used in our library - as an alert for upcoming events mostly, or re-tweeting items of interest.
Twuffer had been invoked in the past to save double-handling between Facebook and Twitter. I'm not sure if this is still in place.

I notice in the published blogs at the end of this session that many people indicate it takes quite a while to "warm" to Twitter. It still leaves me cold. Also, I think the initial question "What are you doing now?" has been expanded to include comment on current issues; viz. the tweets by pollies.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 13 : web 2.1

Changed the appearance of my blog as per instructions. Would actually like the old set-up back, but it doesn't appear to be available any more. Ah well, a change is as good as....